To apply to vote by post if you live in Spain, you must pick up the application form at the post office, where it will be available from the day the elections are called until 18 May.
It is very important to remember that, from the moment you have applied to vote by post, if your application is accepted, you will no longer be able to vote in person at the polling station on polling day.
On the application form you should indicate the postal address to which you want the electoral documentation to be sent (this can be your place of work, or even a post office box)
The Electoral Register Office will send you the following documentation by registered post to the address you have indicated:
One ballot paper from each of the political candidates running in each of the processes called.
One voting envelope for each process.
Your electoral roll registration certificate.
An envelope on which your polling station information will be written.
An explanatory sheet on the voting procedure.
Once you have received the documentation, choose the ballot paper for each process in which you have decided to vote and place it in the corresponding voting envelope (or do not include a ballot paper if you wish to vote blank).
Insert the voting envelope(s) and the registration certificate in the envelope on which the address of your polling station is written.
Remember: do not include any documentation proving your identity inside the voting envelope, otherwise your vote will be considered invalid by the polling station.
Take this envelope to a post office and send it by registered post by 24 May.
This delivery is free of charge.
On election day, the postal service will send all envelopes containing postal votes to the polling stations at 9 a.m.
It will continue to forward the postal items that continue to be received throughout the day, until 8 p.m.
At that time, at the end of the voting and before the counting of the votes, the polling station will place the envelopes received by postal vote in the ballot box.